Yoga Teacher

Yoga Teacher

Vinyasa Yoga

Catarina Carvalho

England, GB

Year Graduated:

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200 hours
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I was first introduced to Yoga and Meditation through my vocal studies performance course. I started meditating to help me with performance anxiety and started practicing yoga to strengthen the abdominal muscles necessary to sing opera! At the time I had no idea about the transformation that would follow. Practicing yoga has been teaching me to really listen and respect my body and that's what I aim for my students through strengthening and stretching their bodies (and, consequently, the mind). Yoga is a constant development of a relationship of trust and love with ourselves and others.

COVID-19 was what inspired me to do my Teacher Training as this was a time when I felt I needed to connect not only to myself again but with the world around me. I needed some sort of support. I started doing online classes every day with Alessandra Oram (spanish Vinyasa teacher), who broke down the poses for me and helped me develop my creativity and self-awareness. From then on, Yoga was a part of me.

In my classes I try to encourage students to explore their own bodies by moving mindfully and to start bringing awareness to their own thoughts and breath. It's a balance between Accepting and Surrendering. Surrender to a pose, accepting the bodies we have and the limitations that come with them, but also the potential we have!

I also work with essential oils so often introduce them on my practices (specially at the final stage of relaxation in Corpse Pose).

In the future I would like to learn more about Bhakti Yoga and Chanting. I would like to keep relating music and Yoga and would love to learn about Sound Healing. In the past year Yoga stopped being just a part of my life. Instead, Yoga found its way into all parts of my life, giving me the tools to get to know myself.


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