Yoga Teacher

Yoga Teacher

Sivananda Yoga

Laura Hendry

England, GB

Year Graduated:

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With over 20 years’ experience of practising yoga, I have always known it was good for me, but only when I stopped due to work commitments and moving house, did I realise that there was something missing. Once the wheels had fallen off, it was actually very easy to find time and space for yoga, to help me feel in control again. I strongly believe that that missing something was the physical, mental and emotional balance that yoga brings me. Only through yoga do I truly rest and recharge, take time and find focus.  Yoga helps me to be in the moment, remove myself from the drama in life, be still and energised, and be truly happy.

Given my own experience and my background as a teacher, I was keen to share what had helped me with the students and staff in my school. Having completed the Teen Yoga Teaching Course, I was then desperate to learn more, so I enrolled on the 200-hour Teacher Training Course with Universal Yoga and never looked back. It is a great pleasure and honour to be able to share what I have learned, and am still learning, of the teachings of yoga. There really is something for everyone, whether it be helping to deal with stress, anxiety, a busy life or building strength or flexibility or perhaps injury prevention, I urge you to try it out and find teacher that you connect with, and who inspires you to make yoga a part of your life.


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