Senior Yoga Teacher

Senior Yoga Teacher

Ashtanga Yoga

Karen Howells

England, GB

Year Graduated:

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I've been practising yoga since 1999 and under the guidance of various teachers including Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Sharath Jois, Brian Cooper, Nawa Joyti, David Swenson, Alex Souper, Alex Medin, Hamish Hendry, Ana Forrest and Cherie Lathey. Yoga for me started as a way of balancing up a very hectic and high pressured career in the music industry, as well as complimenting my part time studies to become a Shiatsu practitioner. Having completed a three year diploma course in Shiatsu & Oriental Medicine my focus shifted towards deepening my yoga practice as it naturally became a bigger part of my life.

In 2002 Brian Cooper started his first ever Ashtanga based teacher training course and I decided to enrol with no real intention to teach, but simply to deepen my knowledge and understanding of the practice. After a one year course with him based in Leeds I continued to develop my own personal practice with several teachers including Guruji & Sharath, but then went on to train with Brian again in 2006 at the beautiful Scottish retreat of Shanti Griha. Having completed this further training I became one of the first graduates and members of the Yoga Alliance Professionals.

Having taught for many years alongside my original career I eventually left the music industry after the birth of my two children and finally took the leap of faith to set up yoga flower vas a full time business in 2011. Having it's humble beginnings with a few classes in school gyms and church halls it went on to flourish into me running a busy timetable of classes both privately and in local studios which I did for almost 8 years.

Life then took an unexpected turn and I was given the opportunity to return to the music industry at the beginning of 2019. Whilst apprehensive at first I now feel so blessed that I've found a way to balance two of my greatest passions. Both industries have changed a great deal over the years and I'm very fortunate to work for a company who really encourage health and wellbeing. I'm also still available to teach private classes and workshops as and when time allows and continue to feel so privileged to be a part of people's yoga journeys.



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