Experienced Yoga Teacher

Experienced Yoga Teacher

Vinyasa Yoga

Amanda Barber

England, GB

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I have been practising yoga for over 25 years. For the past 20 years, we have lived all over the world as a family and I have been lucky enough to experience many different teaching styles and types of yoga - seeking it out wherever we found ourselves from the Far East, to the Middle East, Europe and now split between the UK and Hong Kong

I teach at home, daily in my yoga stable in Oxfordshire and travel to other locations weekly in Wiltshire, as well as teaching on retreats and workshops. I love teaching, the past year has meant that I have converted all daily classes online to Zoom which has had so many surprising benefits, being able to teach to people far away and on the other side of the world! It will be wonderful to return to teaching in the studio, face to face, to be with all the lovely people who come to my classes. 

I feel my teaching approach is holistic and evolving all the time. The physical side to the practise I teach could be called a Vinyasa style - over the years I have studied many different schools of yoga and incorporated these into my teaching. The classes feel like I'm teaching a dance through the traditional poses, incorporating the breath and encouraging a presence of mind whilst on the mat. Each week and term, the asana practise reflects a theme and I like to incorporate my knowledge of Ayurveda, the chakras and astrology into the session. Each day we begin with a meditation and breathing exercise and lead gently into a flow - perhaps based on the Sun salutations or Moon Salutations, moving with the flow of nature, adapting to the time of year or to the energy of that moment. Following the practise, I feel it is hugely important to spend time in Savasana and absorb the sense of deep relaxation. 

In the past, I have organised and taught on a detox/yoga retreat in Turkey in collaboration with a Naturopath, which has been very successful and rewarding for all those involved, as well as day retreats in the UK. I continue to study the subject of yoga and many aspects related and around this vast and wonderful field.


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