
I am a second generation Yoga teacher so you could say it's in my blood. I've been practising Yoga since the age of 11 and decided to qualify in 2014 as a Yoga teacher and share my passion with others just like my mother did. 

I have been taught 3 very different Yoga styles: Hatha, Vinyasa and Kundalini. Hatha focuses on the physical postures, Vinyasa classes are known for their fluid, movement-intensive practices as well as linking breath and Kundalini is more spiritual and focuses on your chakras. 

I teach a unique blend of the three different styles ensuring that there's something for everyone whether you're a beginner looking to improve your fitness or if you have been doing Yoga for a while and wish to know more and improve...

KEJ Yoga offers local Yoga Classes and 1-2-1 Tuition to the Northamptonshire area.


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