
Elemental Life is all about my clientele understanding both who they are and how they bodily function .

As a therapist and trainer l have spent many years trying to find ways to make the body preform better.

I have studied it from over 25 years from the medical side, the fitness side and spiritually through my alternative therapies . I like to pay particular attention to the mind body link and the energy that flows through us all.

Through my bodywork I aim to marry science and spiritually for the benefit of the individual . I believe that this multi-disciplined approach should be used to bring  the body into balance in order to ward off illness & disease .

My Classes are based on years of experience as a therapist , personal Trainer and yoga teacher.

This is not just yoga( although certain aspects contain yogic movement),as it is a different approach to the anatomical understanding of the body emphasising your own body's structure.



My training in somatics is simply an effective form of neuromuscular (mind - body training) movement re-education that goes directly to the root cause of muscular pain and instability.

The brain and the way that it senses and organises muscles and then movement.

Sensory Motor Amnesia is just a by product where chronically-tight muscles have learnt how to stay contracted due to repeated and reflective response to stress such as accidents,injuries ,surgeries,receptive tasks,and on-going emotional stress.

The results being muscular contraction that develop into bodily pains,limited mobility,joint pain,poor posture, shallow breathing and even uneven leg length


The brain followed by the body simply forgets how to relax and move the muscles properly making us unable to stand Tall, walk correctly and even breathe fully.

 l feel that it is important to have an anatomical understanding, emphasising structure and how it works.

Physical postures open up joint spaces and allow freedom enabling our meridian channels to flow freely energising our bodies. Constricted movement leads to Dis ease in the area.

All different yoga styles have a different understanding to practice however,l personally like to weave together my own personal experience and different types of training to create a practice combining esoteric anatomy and physical anatomy from, a somatic understanding.

I feel then that there is a dynamic balance between the ancient wisdom and the contemporary understanding of the body- mind connection.

My greatest wish as a teacher is to enable my students to live unconfined awareness,to be free to express themselves plus, be free of confinement of any kind.

Correct breathing helps keep your body healthy and your mind active and alert.

Most people use only a fraction of their lung capacity when breathing.

when you inhale fully you breathe in oxygen that feeds your cells therefore allowing all internal organs to be nourished,enabling them to be able to work.

Your brain will also benefit by helping keep it fed with oxygen, this vital force.

Breathing assists with all forms of mental distress involving high emotional arousal states such as anger,anxiety and depression.

It can have immediate effect on both physical and psychological well being.

TRE - Trauma Release Exercises

This is a revolutionary new method for both stress and trauma recovery.

Until recently trauma was considered to be purely physiological and was addressed by dealing with the emotional dimensions of the individual. However this view point has changed recognising that neuro- physiology plays an important part when understanding the effects of trauma on the body.

The cross fertilisation between psychology and neuro- physiology has clearly outlined the mutual interdependency of the automatic body responses and the neurological process.

Whether trauma occurs in a psychological, physical or emotional form it inevitably expresses itself in the body.

This new understanding clearly underlines the link between both body and mind increasing the recognition that trauma is primarily an instinctual bodily reaction.

The body's neurology, biology and anatomy change during exposure to both stress and traumatic experiences.

Due to the natural effect of the experience both, the body and the personality simply readjusts itself to inhabit the new state.


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