Experienced Yoga Teacher

Experienced Yoga Teacher

Vinyasa Yoga

Megan Parkinson

England, GB

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Hi! I'm meg

I'm a yoga teacher that lives in the beautiful Suffolk countryside. 

My style is fluid and natural and my life matches that, I use nature as my inspiration and my teacher and find my deepest peace when out in the wildness of the countryside.

Here's my story

Having suffered with CFS for 15 years and before that 10 years of serious bullying my life had been a roller coaster of emotions ending a lot in depression and despair.
there were points where I couldn’t see how I could live with this hatred of myself, my body and the guilt I carried for feeling that way.

After having another severe illness biteback at 29 and finding myself bed bound once more I finally decided I either give in or find my way out.

So I started to search the holistic route, I found dietary changes and then I found yoga. BOOM I was home, for the first time in my adult life I felt comfortable, like I was really in my skin.

As a child before the bullying and illness I loved the spiritual world. I used to sit in my bedroom and read books about yoga and green smoothies and dream of when I was older I’d be able to do live that lifestyle....and then the shit happened.....I got told that it was weird to be like that and I needed to conform otherwise I’d be beaten up, mentally and physically. 


So over the years that “Light” that me was buried under layers and layers of “needing to fit in”.

But when I sat on that mat as a 29 year old I suddenly had rememberings of that kid in the bedroom dreaming of yoga and smoothies and I felt like I was home.

I became obsessed quickly, practising twice a day, reading and soaking up as much as possible. I wasn’t going to loose this feeling.

A few years later I studied my 200YTT to improve my knowledge and take my practice deeper, and on this teacher training I had some huge emotional shifts. I remembered all the trauma that I’d suppressed over the years, it all came flooding back and with it I grieved for the girl I lost.

I took back my power from the bullies of my childhood and I found an inner strength that enabled me to step forward.
Each time I step on my mat I remember my soul, my inner child and the inner strength I have to come through my journey.

This power enabled me to turn my life upside down, sell my business that I’d been juggling with my illness and depression and step into the yoga world.


I’m now a full time yoga teacher and love facilitating the space for others to find their own inner power.

Yoga has truly given me back my power, and my life. I can now honestly say that I love my body, my life and feel blessed each day for my journey as I know it has given me the tools to live the life I do now.

throughout my twenties i worked with horses and children and have learnt a lot from watching their natural, unmodified behaviour. i bring all my past experiences and love for the world and nature around me onto the mat and pour it all into my flows.

each flow is different and will move with he energies of the space and the souls in the room, i am a great believer that we have to conform so much in our lives that on the mat is a chance for complete freedom of boundaries and structure. my practice opens to that and i encourage people to explore their boundaries, build confidence within themselves and re tune into their own intuition


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