Posted on 24/02/2020 by Anita Jasser

What is Forrest Yoga? 5 things you need to know...

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  1.  You don’t do it in a forest.  This style of yoga takes its name from creator Ana Forrest. She’s spent 40 years designing and developing yoga poses to address the physical and mental ailments that result from modern day lifestyles.
  2.  There’s no need to be a human pretzel. You don’t have to be strong or flexible to practise Forrest yoga – it’s open to all levels. Choose from a number of different options, from complete to advanced yogini.
  3. If you’re breathing, you can do it! Forrest Yoga is built on four key pillars, which are:
    • Breath - Forrest Yoga teaches you how to breathe deeply, connect with your body, use the power of breath to bring vitality into every cell and ignite your passion for living.
    • Strength – the practice shows you how to connect with your core, in order to be strong and centred. The intense sequences of poses help you develop the skills to awaken each of your senses.
    • Integrity - it teaches you to safely tailor each pose to work for you, particularly with regards to physical and emotional injuries.  
    • Spirit – Forrest Yoga’s intent is “to create a sense of freedom, a connection to your Spirit and the courage to walk as your spirit dictates”.
    4. You’ll be hotter, instantly. It’s a heated practice, performed at a temperature of 29 °C. Aided by this use of heat, your body is freed from toxins, while the deep breathing oxygenates and rejuvenates every cell in your body.
     5. Pain in the neck? You need this class. One of the key differences in a Forrest yoga class is that we relax the neck. This helps to down regulate the nervous system and allows your body to go into rest and digest mode, coming out of any struggles during the asana practice.

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