When marketing a product, you want to share it with the right audience. Yoga Alliance Professionals has the best audience for you!
With our extensive database of teachers, trainers and trainees, your product will undoubtedly interest them. We have a database of over 9,000 yoga professionals and receive 22,000 (on average) website visits monthly.
Becoming a partner is easy! All you have to do is fill out the form here or reach out to express your interest at support@yogaallianceprofessionals.org
Partnership Options
We have two options for partners to choose from.
Discount Partner
A quick and straightforward way to get your products and services placed in front of our members.
You receive:
- Listing on the Member Discount Page
- Introduction in the Teacher and Trainee Facebook Groups
- Link to your website or Shop
- Email Support 24/5
- No Contract, Cancel Anytime
- £49 per month or £490 per year
Brand Partner
For businesses looking to elevate their brand, this is the solution.
You receive:
- Premium Listing on the Member Discount Page
- Dedicated Brand Page
- Introduction via Email to our Members with optional Offer
- Introduction in the Teacher and Trainee Facebook Groups
- Link to your website or Shop and Social Media Pages
- Dedicated Account Manager 24/5
- Email Support 24/7
- No Contract, Cancel Anytime
- £97 per month or £970 per year
How You’re Promoted
All new partners are introduced in our Facebook groups. Brand partners will be shared in an email sent directly to all 9,000+ yoga professionals.
We often share links to the page in our monthly newsletter too!