How To Upload A YAPTA Taster

Do you want to generate leads for your yoga events?

If you are an Approved Mentor, Trainer Pro or have unlocked Approved Development Workshops, you can upload a YAPTA Taster! Uploading a YAPTA taster is easy; all you have to do is submit this short form.

Below you’ll find some additional guidance on uploading your taster for review.

Video Content

You can share your video file using a file transfer system such as WeTransfer. You can also use Google Drive (make sure to give us access). 

To prevent the video from being rejected, ensure the video meets all of our requirements outlined here.

Inputting Keywords

Don’t leave this field blank or with just a few words! These keywords are what will help your taster video gain traction. Users can search on the YAPTA platform, and your taster will only show up if your keywords match their search terms. 

Include A Handout

If you would like to provide links for further learning or perhaps some diagrams, then include a handout in your submission!

You can find more details here.