Posted on 22/01/2021 by Debbie Avani

Asteya Virtual Yoga Class

Asteya Virtual Yoga Class

Yours to keep and practice forever -

The Yoga path as laid out in the Yoga Sutras, is a path that takes the mind from a state of constant disturbance to a state of rest and harmony, and it begins with the practice of the Yamas and Niyamas.  In this class we explore the third Yama, Asteya, which translates into being non-attached, open and not taking more than we need.

This 1.5 hour class begins with an explanation of how we can embody this concept, there is a short meditation with mudra, followed by the Asana (Yoga Postures) and closes with a deeply relaxing Yoga Nidra where we connect with the energy of the Goddess Lakshmi, to embody here essence which is love, beauty and abundance.

Please make sure you stay safe in your practice by having all the props you might need to hand – and remember all suggestions on how to move into and out of postures, and how long to pause in them, are merely invitations … If you need to modify and find your own beautifully unique way, that is indeed upholding the values of Ahimsa.

Enjoy! Know that I am always here if you have any questions or need advice in your practice.

If you would like to explore the other Yamas/Niyamas – check out the following:

Class 1 – Ahimsa

Class 2 – Satya

Class 3 – Asteya (this class)

Class 4 – Brahmacharya

Class 5 – Aparigraha

Class 6 – Saucha

Class 7 – Santosha

Class 8 – Tapas

Class 9 Svadhyaya

Class 10 – Ishvara Pranidhana

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