Posted on 17/04/2023 by Michelle Higgins

Benefits of Yoga Workshops

Benefits of Yoga Workshops

What are the benefits of attending Yoga Workshops?

It may seem a bit of a quantum leap and if we are honest a bit scary going from a 1-hour yoga class to a full-on yoga workshop that may last several hours.

Many thoughts may run through your head such as “I’m not good enough”, “I don’t know enough”, “they are only for yoga teachers” or “I’m going to embarrass myself”.

Here are some reasons why you SHOULD go to a workshop

  1. We go into topics in more detail than in a class. We may look at some theory, background, history, scientific research or philosophy. Depending on the theme there may be a longer meditation and/or more breathwork [pranayama].
  2. There is more opportunity to ask questions and to discuss with the group who all are there because they want to deepen their knowledge. Or you could just sit and listen. As the group is usually smaller than in a class it is less intimidating if you do want to speak up.
  3. If the workshop is focused on a particular pose or type of pose which you struggle with you can work more slowly and learn more prep and options to eventually hopefully bring you into that “tricky” pose. It may even end up being your favourite!
  4. If the workshop is focused on a favourite pose or style of the pose, then you can work more deeply into it and learn more advanced versions or transitions
  5. Being in a group of like-minded people means giving a great sense of community and support – whatever your level of knowledge
  6. It is just great to take some “me” time and to switch off from the daily distractions [or irritations!]

I run monthly workshops dealing with all aspects of yoga life– click here for more info

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