Posted on 24/02/2020 by Debbie Avani

Enliven your Sun Salutation Practice with Sun Mantras

Enliven your Sun Salutation Practice with Sun Mantras

Sun Mantras

According to Ganesh Mohan a vedic and yoga scholar – the original Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) sequence wasn’t a sequence of postures, but rather a sequence of sacred words chanted at sunrise.  This was much longer – 132 passages in total – and after each passage the practitioner would prostrate fully on the ground in the direction of the sun.

The twelve mantras that are widely used today may relate to the finding by yogis that the Sun emits subtle pranic currents of solar light that they call the 12 rays of the Sun.

  • Every year the sun passes through 12 different phases (astrological houses), known as the zodiac in western astrology or Rashi in Hindu astrology.  The suns rays absorb, reflect and co-mingle with the radiance of the stars within each particular constellation
  • Each has a specific mood, and in each the sun is given a different name
  • These can be repeated mentally as you are practicing Sun Salutation – with or without the Bija or by just using the Bija on its own
  • They do not need to be understood fully as the vibration alone will awaken energy within

Om Hraam Mitraaya Namaha (salutations to the friend of all)

  • Prayer Mudra embodies the attitude of reverence to the source of all life
  • Sun regarded as universal friend, giver of light, heat and energy

Om Hreem Ravayee Namaha (salutations to the shining one)

  • Ravaye means one who shines
  • In arm raise we are stretching our whole body upwards towards this source of light

Om Hroom Suryaaya Namaha (salutations to the one who induces activity)

  • In ancient times Surya was worshipped as the Lord of the heavens riding across the sky in a chariot drawn by seven horses
  • The seven horses represent the seven rays of supreme consciousness, which manifest as seven planes of existence – BHU (earthly material) – BHUVAR (intermediate, astral) – SUWAR (subtle, heavenly) – MAHAR (abode of the devas) – JANAH (abode of divine souls that have transcended ego) – TAPAH (abode of enlightened Siddhas) – SATYAM (the ultimate truth of reality)
  • Surya symbolises supreme consciousness itself which controls all other levels

Om Hraim Bhaanave Namaha (salutations to the one who illumines)

  • The sun is the physical representation of the Guru, who removes the darkness of ignorance and delusion
  • Just as the sun dispels that dark of the night each morning it rises.

Om Hraum Khagaaya Namaha (salutations to the one who moves quickly in the sky)

  • The suns daily movement through the sky measures time
  • In Ardho Mukha Svanasana we bow and offer obeisance and pray for progress in life

Om Hraha Puushnee Namaha (salutations to the giver of strength)

  • The sun is the source of all strength, nourishing us with energy, light and life.

Om Hraam  Hiranya Garbaaya Namaha (salutations to the golden cosmic self)

  • Hiranya Garbaaya is the seed of causality, thus the whole universe is contained within it in the potential state before manifestation.
  • In the same way all life is potential in the sun, which represents the great cosmic principle.

Om Hreem Mariichayee Namaha (salutations to the Lord of the dawn)

  • The name Maricha also means mirage
  • Our whole life we seek true meaning and purpose, like a thirsty person who seeks water in the desert but is fooled by sun’s rays on the sand.
  • With this mantra we pray for illumination to distinguish the real from the unreal

Om Hroom Aadityaaya Namaha (salutations to the son of Aditi – the cosmic Mother)

  • Aditi is another name for Maha Shakti, the creative power from which all life flows
  • The sun is considered to be one of her children of manifestations

Om Hraim Savitree Namaha (salutations to the stimulating power of the sun)

  • Savitre is said to represent the sun before rising, stimulating man into waking activity
  • And Surya is said to represent the sun after sunrise when activity begins

Om Hraum Arkaaya Namaha (salutations to the one who is fit to be praised)

  • Arka means energy, as the sun is the source of most energy in the world we offer respects to this awesome source

Om Hraha Bhaaskaraaya Namaha (salutation to the one who leads to enlightenment)

  • We offer respects to the one who lights up our path leading to our ultimate goal of liberation
  • In the final posture of arm raise we are reaching towards this goal……..

The Bija Mantras (seed syllables)

  • Can be used as an alternative on their own in place of the Sun Mantras
  • They have no literal meaning but set up a powerful vibration within the mind and body which helps the functioning and health of the major organs
  • They can be practiced mentally or chanted out loud depending on the speed of practice – or simply at the beginning of the practice.

Om Hraam – brain, heart & respiratory organs

Om Hreem – pallet, nasal cavity and vocal chords

Om Hroom – stomach, small intestines and pancreas

Om Hraim – kidney & urinary passage

Om Hraum – excretory system

Om Hraha – chest & vocal chords

For audio recordings of these chants please visit my website by following this LINK

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