Posted on 18/09/2020 by Michelle Cross

New Mūlādhāra

New Mūlādhāra

New Mūlādhāra

We practices yoga to create a good foundation for the yoga, the pose, the meditation to evolve, grow, blossom.

2020, Covid has literally rocked the whole foundation across the globe and Mother Earth truly did receive her rest.

Now what?

Time to create a new  Mūlādhāra.

This is the primary chakra I practice with and teach teachers how to and why.

InTantra the chakra ar likened to the 7 centres of personal development. The journey through them is a lovely story of Shakti yearning for her Shiva, For she is at the root and he is at the crown - or are they?

Imagine a scenario: If you are being chased by a tiger, stubbed your toe and it started to bleed, would you stop to tend to the injury? No, you’d keep running! Your body’s survival mechanism of fight and flight kicks in, numb the pain in your toe to avoid being eaten by the tiger. When safe you’d tend to your injury.

Now in the modern world, we are stressed, experienced TRAUMA and numb the pain or stress. We react as if we were being chased by a tiger – problem is we never go back to tend to the injury, or in life the situation.

We don’t process and un-numb those places inside of us that we had to immobilize in order to get out of a trauma or deal with stress.

This creates broken loops of energy within your body, leaving the issues in your tissues.

The Root has the key

So the tiger and the running is your 1st chakra reaction because your foundation feels unsettled or your boundaries have been crossed.

Then we feel unsettled so it is then natural to seek pleasure. This is the second chakra. The pleasure we seek comes in the form of food, alcohol, drugs and sex. The shadow side of this is they can become addictions and then the scenario of stress, fight and flight kicks in again.

This is why I say most yo-yo between the two. Stress – pleasure principle.

To clear the issues in the tissues,  activate the third chakra and move the energy, Shakti up to your power centre and transform the shadow of fight/flight/freeze/fawn or the wounds to wisdom, or trauma to triumphs.

Now with Covid - it is time to create a new Mūlādhāra...I am showing teachers how in my new course at my school Hrīṃ Shakti School

Mūlādhāra means Root Support. All about Your Fight and flight or stress reaction, fear and survival. It's about who you are, your physical including identity, your home.

Mūlādhāra is Red, has 4 petals, which contain seed(Bija) mantras I teach a lot to transform habitual patterns and awaken your Shakti.

Stage of development :: Your earliest levels of family patterns and dynamics, what you learnt in childhood from birth to 6-12 years old. These formed who you are and affects your nervous system. This is ground level and what you’ve built your life on. What you see in life and love now comes from these root behaviours.If had trauma it gets stored here in root.

Imagine a tree, the roots effect the growth and fruits/flowers that blossom –so your life  is a reflection of what learnt at root. If wish to change start at root subconscious reactions to things.

Action : Learn how to use the stability of the earth of Muladhara to let go of fear , release the stress and calm down the cortisol that is released in the fight and flight. Begin to TRUST, believe, receive, feel SAFE, secure. Feel within your whole being you have a right to be here and you matter.

would you like to learn more about the amazing-ness of the subtle body and bring it to life in your Yoga Teaching - join my course

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