Posted on 22/01/2021 by Debbie Avani

Satya Virtual Yoga Class

Satya Virtual Yoga Class

Yours to keep and practice forever -

The Yoga path as laid out in the Yoga Sutras, is a path that takes the mind from a state of constant disturbance to a state of rest and harmony, and it begins with the practice of the Yamas and Niyamas.  In this class we explore the second Yama, Satya, which ultimately means a commitment to truth, in thought, word and deed.

This 1.5 hour class begins with an explanation of how we can embody this concept, there is a short meditation with mudra and chant, followed by the Asana (Yoga Postures) and closes with a deeply relaxing Yoga Nidra.

Please make sure you stay safe in your practice by having all the props you might need to hand – and remember all suggestions on how to move into and out of postures, and how long to pause in them, are merely invitations … If you need to modify and find your own beautifully unique way, that is indeed upholding the values of Ahimsa.

Enjoy! Know that I am always here if you have any questions or need advice in your practice.

If you would like to explore the other Yamas/Niyamas – check out the following:

Class 1 – Ahimsa

Class 2 – Satya (this class)

Class 3 – Asteya

Class 4 – Brahmacharya

Class 5 – Aparigraha

Class 6 – Saucha

Class 7 – Santosha

Class 8 – Tapas

Class 9 Svadhyaya

Class 10 – Ishvara Pranidhana

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