Posted on 12/06/2021 by Michelle Higgins

What Sort of Yoga is right for me?

What Sort of Yoga is right for me?

What Style of Yoga Right For Me?

There is a bewildering array of yoga styles and classes out there from Yin to Ashtanga and from power yoga to restorative.

If truth be told there are as many styles of yoga as there are yoga teachers and the most important thing is to get on with the teacher and how they teach. All teachers will offer options and variations. So not wanting to get bogged down in the minutiae of it all these are ones which are a recognised style and which you can widely practice. Here goes

What is Anusara Yoga?

Developed by John Friend in the 1990s. “Anusara” means following your heart and it is based on the concept that we are all inherently good. There are over 250 postures but they do not form particular sequences. It is a flowing practice and you might hold the postures for longer than in some styles. Can include meditation chanting and Pranayama. There may be music played.

What is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga?

Developed by Sri Pattabhi Jois in the 20th century. It is a dynamic flowing practice with a set sequence comprising of sun salutations, standing poses, floor-based poses including arm balances and a cool-down including inversions. Each posture is held for 5 breaths – longer in the cool-down sequence. It can be taught as a led class where the class all move together or self-practice [Mysore style] where you move at your own pace with guidance from the teacher. Can include chanting and Pranayama.

What is Bikram Yoga?

Developed by Bikram Chowdhury in the 1970s. It is practised in a room heated to 41 degrees with carpet on the floor and mirrors on the walls. It is a set sequence of 26 postures. In 2006 Chowdhury tried but failed to get the sequence copyrighted. Can include Pranayama.

What is Forrest Yoga?

Developed by Ana Forrest in the 1980s taking ideas from both Sivananda and Iyengar yoga it is practised in a warm room. It is a healing style of yoga and has set sequences. Poses are held for longer than in many other styles of yoga may be for 10 breaths up to several minutes. Can include meditation chanting and Pranayama. There may be music played.

What is Hatha Yoga?

A broad term now taken to mean a traditional style of practice where there is no flowing between the postures or sequences of postures. Can include meditation chanting and Pranayama. Content varies from teacher to teacher.

What is Hot Yoga?

A dynamic style of yoga practiced in a hot room. Content of varies from teacher to teacher.

What is Lyengar Yoga?

Developed by BKS Iyengar in the 20th century. It is a style focusing very much on alignment and detail. Postures are held for longer than other styles and props such as blocks, blankets and belts are used to facilitate this. Classes are often themed to focus on a particular type of posture. Pranayama is usually taught as a separate class.

What is Jivamukti Yoga?

Developed by Sharon Gannon and David Life in the 1990s. It is a dynamic creative flow based practice. Classes include philosophy, meditation and chanting. It also promotes activism especially veganism and animal rights.

Postures are practiced to a music soundtrack.

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Developed by Yogi Bhajan in the 1970s with a base in the Sikh tradition. Postures are linked together into sequences called Kriyas designed to work on specific issues. Includes meditation chanting and Pranayama and there may also be some singing. There may be music played.

What is Power Yoga?

A dynamic style of yoga focusing on strength and stamina. The content of classes varies from teacher to teacher.

What is Restorative Yoga?

A floor based style of yoga where the focus is on calming and quieting down. Postures are held for minutes using props such as bolsters cushions and straps to facilitate this. There may be music played.

What is Scaravelli inspired Yoga?

Developed by Vanda Scaravelli in the last century. This style focuses on the breath, gravity and the spine. It works on the principle that less is more. A fairly gentle style of class.

What is Sivananda Yoga?

Developed by Swami Vishnudevananda in the 1950s and named after his own guru Swami Sivananda. There are 12 basic asanas such as forward fold, triangle and cobra to which variations are added. The postures follow a set sequence but there is no flowing between them. Classes include meditation chanting and Pranayama.

What is Sun Power Yoga?

Developed by Anne Marie Newland in the 2000s. It is a flow based practice working through sequences taking elements from Iyengar, Ashtanga, Sivananda and hatha. Classes can include meditation chanting and Pranayama. There may be music played.

What is Vini Yoga?

Developed by Krishnamacharya the father of modern yoga and further developed by his son TV Desikachar. A style of yoga heavily tailored to each individual practitioner. Classes tend to be fairly gentle with lots or personal attention and guidance from the teacher.

What is Vinyasa flow Yoga?

A broad term to include classes where postures are linked together into creative sequences. Postures may be held for a few breaths. Content varies from teacher to teacher. Classes could be themed or be more general including a little bit of everything.

What is Yin Yoga?

Developed by Paulie Zink in the 1970s and based around the principles of Chinese medicine. It is a floor based practice where postures are held for several minutes. Props such as blankets, bolsters and straps are used to facilitate this. The emphasis is on minimal muscular effort.

What is Yoga Nidra?

Developed by Swami satyananda saraswati in the 1970s. It is sometimes called Yogic Sleep. It consists of a deep relaxation through guided meditation techniques. Good for relieving stress

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