Joining CIMSPA

Some gyms and sports centres may require you to be a member of CIMSPA (Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity). There is no government-approved registry for Yoga Teachers; some gyms require that their teachers (whether they teach yoga or anything else) are on an approved registry. 

Is Yoga Alliance Professionals affiliated with CIMSPA?

Yoga Alliance Professionals has no affiliation with CIMSPA. You can have a membership with us and CIMSPA. 

How do I join CIMSPA?

You will need to contact them independently to arrange registration. Yoga Alliance Professionals accredited courses are recognised on their list of approved yoga teacher training courses. If you completed a teacher training course which is not accredited by Yoga Alliance Professionals and are a registered member with Yoga Alliance Professionals, your training will be accepted.

If necessary, we can supply you with a letter that verifies your membership with Yoga Alliance Professionals. This letter can be used to support your application to CIMSPA. You can request the letter by clicking here.

Please keep in mind that we are only able to offer a letter of support to individuals who are currently active members of Yoga Alliance Professionals.