How do I notify you of a change of details? (Including email, name & address)

Online YAP profile details
If you would like to update the information on your YAP online profile, please log into your account and make the necessary changes to your profile.

Change your address
If you need to change your address of residency, then please do so here!

Change your email address
If you need to change the email address connected to your account please fill in the form here! If you are able to, please also include your member ID number.

Your member ID number helps us to identify your account and validate your identity, without this we may need to confirm your identity with an additional security question before making the necessary changes.

Change your name
If you have changed your legal name and need to update this on your account or documentation please send your request for name change to Please include a copy of your marriage certificate, deed poll or other proof of name change, which is required for insurance purposes. There is an £8.99 fee to update your insurance policy and re-issue the documents with the new name.