Your Product Or Service In Front Of A Professional Yoga Audience
About Our Yoga Professionals:
Got Questions?
The focus at this stage will be on yoga or surrounding sectors such as wellness, health, eco-friendly, organic, fitness, and business support.
The partner program is for our members to receive exclusive discounts on products and services.
Unfortunately, we cannot allow discounts on events and classes right now.
Yes! Find the details and criteria below:
- YAP requires a MINIMUM referral fee of 20%
- YAP members need a 'unique' offer not available anywhere else
- Set Up Fee - £49
- YAP requires a MINIMUM referral fee of 25%
- YAP members need a 'unique' offer not available anywhere else
- Set Up Fee - £97
The tracking of performance is down to you. You can give us a link so that you can measure link clicks, or use a specific coupon code to measure usage.
Below you will find examples of what the profiles look like.
Discount Portal (discount partners at the bottom)
Dedicated Brand Page
Bespoke Platinum Page
There is no application process for this level. We will approach brands that we feel can offer a more profound benefit to the members. It may include offering products/services as part of our membership packages.