Posted on 04/12/2016 in Education by Mariana Masetto

Our voice has body

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It is a great pleasure for me to present this method for singing called “Our voice has body”. It is a coming together of music and yoga which I have been devel- oping through mi own experience, while trying to maximize the potential of the art of singing.

During my yoga practices I used to feel the desire to break into song. And while taking singing lessons sitting next to my teachers’ pianos, I used to get this urge to move and activate my body.That is how my need to unite both of my passions, singing and yoga, was born.

First I started practicing yoga in my rehearsal space next to the piano, playing some chords and vocalizing while doing a pose.Then I recorded some successive chords over which I would attempt different poses according to my daily needs. For instance, whether I had to perform in a concert or a rehearsal, or I was experiencing pain or my menstrual period. These practices brought about such enthusiasm in me, that I quickly started to implement them in the singing and percussion classes I was giving.

This is how I created this teaching method where, at the beginning of the class, I ask my students to vocalize while they do different yoga poses. And during the second part of the class we work on the voice specifi- cally, with all its nuances in terms of playing with rhythm as we sing. Through this method I was able to integrate singing

with yoga and, at the same time, with rhythm.

My book for singers associated to Yoga. In every physical action leading us to make music, whether singing, playing drums or any musical instrument, being aware of our posture, of every support of our body, will lead us to be in a state of harmony within ourselves, to be in a function I call unity. If we consider the meaning of harmony which is not only used in music it makes us ponder about the balance of proportions between the different parts of a whole, the result of which will always portend beauty.
In music, harmony is the discipline which studies the perception of sound in a vertical or simultaneous way, in the form of chords, and the way it relates to its surroundings. Regarding the physical body, there is no doubt that musical chords are comparable to a harmonious muscular posture. If we are conscious about how to move muscles, creating suppler and more relaxed movements, we will find that we are being causally harmonious.

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