200+ hr Foundational Yoga Teacher Training

200+ hr Foundational Yoga Teacher Training
Total course hours
Total contact hours
Total hours taught by lead teacher
Foundation Teacher Training

200+ hr Foundational Yoga Teacher Training

Course Information 

Whatever your ambition, personal goals or reasons for choosing to become a yoga teacher, we are here to make it happen.

Our mission at East of England Yoga school is simple. . . To teach YOU as best we can and make sure you get the best mentoring that we can offer during the course. 

This means that we are approachable and make an effort to be there for you at any time you need.

We continually assess your progress throughout the course so that we can offer you the best direction to get you where you need to be. 

Our commitment to small group sizes means we are able to offer a much closer relationship and guidance than you would get in a larger group.

Our main tutor, Laurence, is supported by Brenda, & Ali. We believe that our separate skillsets and experience make us a fantastic team, as each of us brings something different to the training. Between us our knowledge bases compliment the others and we each have  something unique to offer you. 

The course is structured in such a way that each teacher leads in one or more specific modules or workshops so that we can teach to our strengths. Of course this doesn't mean that we are not able to help with other modules too, indeed we often crossover into each others areas and over the course of the training there will be multiple sessions where more than one teacher is present. This means that you get access to the combined knowledge of all three of us. 

Depending on availability, we may also bring in guest tutors to teach or expose you to a specialized aspect of yoga.

The First Weekend

Welcome to the course!

This is your introduction to the course, your fellow students and tutors. Because of this, the first weekend is naturally a little different than the other training sessions.

It is a relaxed weekend that serves not only as your first chance to introduce yourself to the group, but also as your introduction to the course, and your first taste of what's to come. We begin by explaining to you how everything works and outlining the structure of the course in more detail, giving you your course folders, and your first handouts. From there the weekend will continue with some introductory sessions which will outline and elaborate on the four cornerstones of yoga; 

Breath ~ Movement ~ Awareness ~ Rest

You will also receive your first homework assignment. 

Further Training Dates

Save The Date!

The course is run over a year, and we will meet for one weekend each month. You can see all the dates for the next course on our website by clicking here.

Unless otherwise stared during the course all weekend times are:

Saturdays: 08:30 - 17:30.

Sundays: 08:30 - 17:30.

Lunch: We will provide snacks and teas, but you will need to bring your own lunch and a refillable water bottle. 

You will need: Your yoga mat, a blanket (or two), comfortable clothing that you can move in, and any yoga props such as blocks / straps / bolsters that you might have, and an open mind to learning. 

Stationary: We will be giving you your course folder but please bring something to write with and consider bringing a notepad or something else for any additional notes that you may wish to take.


Learn by doing! You'll receive practical teaching experience throughout the whole course so that you will leave feeling confident and able to take flight as a newly fledged teacher.

Through the syllabus, we balance theory and practice with practical and discussion based sessions. We focus on giving you understanding and confidence as a teacher, rather than ticking off a checklist of ideas without fully understanding them. 

We encourage you to learn to teach the yoga that interests you.

Our training is a 'Foundational Multi Style Hatha Yoga' course. The core of all modern yoga is based in Hatha. For this reason we cover foundational Hatha yoga postures and breath work. Having a strong understanding in Hatha acts as a platform for you to springboard your yoga teaching career. We understand that what draws you to teach yoga is likely quite different from others on the course. That's why within the framework of our syllabus, we aim to give you foundational knowledge and teaching confidence so that you can go on to teach any style of yoga that interests you. There will be workshops on Scarevelli / Yin / Restoratove / Vinyasa / Iyengar yoga / (& more), and we will cover yoga history and philosophy so that you can see how it all fits together. We want you to understand the similarities and differences in all the iterations of yoga, so that you can develop your teaching in the way that most suits you. We have had graduates go on to teach a variety of yoga styles, including chair, Yin, Vinyasa, Iyengar, (& more).

Throughout the year, we will cover the following modules;

  • Yoga Asana & Movement. 
  • Types of Yoga.
  • Anatomy & Physiology.
  • Teaching Methodology.
  • Yoga History & Philosophy.
  • Bandhas & Kriya.
  • Breath & Pranayama.
  • Yoga Nidra & Relaxation.
  • Meditation, Mantra, & Mudra.
  • Yoga Business skills.
  • Personal Development.

Course Hours

200 Hours Total + Lesson Attendance & Self Practice

Total Course Hours Breakdown;

  • Training Days ~ 176 Hours.
    • Each training day is 8 contact hours (your 1 hour lunch break doses not count towards your hours).
  • Other Contact Hours ~ 2 Hours.
    • As part of the course you get 2 hours of one to one sessions. Choice of assisting public lessons or online mentoring.
  • Homework Tasks ~ 22 Hours.
    • 10 monthly homework tasks that you should spend a minimum of 2 hours on & 1 pre course welcome task.
  • Optional Class Attendance  & Self Practice. 
    • Keeping a regular practice by attending lessons and developing your practice at home is expected.

Total Contact Hours: 178

Homework Hours: 22

Total 200 Hours.

How to apply

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".

For more information or to make your application please visit our website.

To secure your spot we require £500 deposit & a completed application form. 

Both of which can be found here

Stay in Touch

I can't wait to hear from you 

I understand that choosing your training is a big decision, and  you may have some questions regarding the course details. Please feel free to email me with any queries that you might have and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you would like to request a call back to discuss everything over the phone please state so, and provide your number in your email, along with the best times that we can call you back. I am here for you and look forward to hearing from you. 

email: laurence@eoeyogaschool.co.uk

- Laurence