Level One Kundalini Teacher Training

Level One Kundalini Teacher Training
Total course hours
Total contact hours
Total hours taught by lead teacher
Foundation Teacher Training

Do Something Amazing 

Kundalini Global is a completely new form of Kundalini Yoga that works with the stress system, and neural plasticity, to foster emotional regulation and the ability to be, and stay, present. 

An antidote for the times, Kundalini Global is a non-dogmatic spiritual practise that is informed by up-to-date physiological, psychological, anatomical, and neuroscientific theory and research into the body and mind.

It was founded by Carolyn Cowan, a yoga teacher and teacher trainer with decades’ worth of experience who is also a therapist, specialising in trauma, anxiety, addiction, shame, pre-and-postnatal issues and more. Our 220-hour training is certified by Yoga Alliance. We offer further trainings, open to the general public, that also form part of an optional level two training for our certified teachers.

A New Way 

Kundalini Global is a radical rethinking of many other forms of Kundalini yoga.

And there are many forms of Kundalini yoga. You may be aware of the Kundalini shaking taught by Osho or, go to Rishikesh, and you will find hundreds of different schools. There is an ancient form of Kundalini Yoga which the now denigrated Yogi Bhajan took and attached to a form of neo-Sikhism.

Kundalini Global is a new way. Teachers are free to dress how they want to, use what music works for them, and make the practises unique to them.

Kundalini Global trainings empower teachers to work with clients rather than creating a Guru lineage or dominance. They also empower teachers in working with real bodies and the huge variation therein, to ensure that classes are accessible, kind and powerful for every single person who joins us.

Teachers are also taught about and encouraged to deepen their understanding of as many spiritual and religious belief systems as possible, to continually test and broaden our awareness in our striving to be radically inclusive.

That is not to say that, by not aligning ourselves with any one belief system, our practice is approached in an entirely pragmatic way. We each bring different lenses to our teaching but understand and hold the sacred aspect of our practice too.

For us, what we do, what we show up for, what we are in service to offer as yoga teachers, goes very far beyond the poses. We believe that everyone can have a very profound and deep experience of their relationship to the Divine, in whatever form they believe it to take, by finding immanence within themselves.

We bow, with love, respect, and gratitude, to the Divine, at the opening and closing of every class. This is the container within which the entirety of what we offer in our classes is held.

Join Us 

Kundalini Global has thus far run 4 yoga teacher trainings with a total of 110+ trainees. 

We are excited to announce the next training, which will begin in May 2024 and will be offered online, with the option to attend two of five modules in person.

This means, if you cannot travel, you can take part, live, in all 220 hours of the training via Zoom.

If you can, or are based in London, you can join Carolyn in Battersea for the first module in May, and the fourth in September, as she hosts these two modules in a hybrid format.

Measures will be put in place to ensure that anyone joining the online offer of these two modules are included, fully, throughout.

Training Dates: 

Our 220-Hour Yoga Alliance Certified Training takes place:

Module One: 10th-13th May, 2024: Join in person, in Battersea, London. Or attend via Zoom.

Module Two: 7th-10th June, 2024: This module is entirely online.

Module Three: 5th-8th July, 2024: This module is entirely online.

Module Four: 6th-9th September, 2024: Join in person, in Battersea, London. Or attend via Zoom.

Module Five: 4th-7th October, 2024: This module is entirely online.

Visit our website to read the syllabus, FAQs, and download a PDF with lots more information:

Kundalini Global