Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training

Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training
Total course hours
Total contact hours
Total hours taught by lead teacher
Specialist Training Courses

This is a prenatal yoga teacher training course.

It’s suitable for yoga teachers who want to teach pregnant women attending their general or restorative yoga classes, as well as yoga teachers who want to offer pregnancy yoga specific classes or online courses.

Drs, antenatal educators, doulas, midwives and childbirth educators who would like to use pregnancy yoga in their jobs, will also benefit from a yoga teacher training for pregnancy certificate, allowing them to teach pregnant women the benefits of yoga.

Please note: if you are not already a certified yoga teacher, you will need to demonstrate a regular personal yoga practice for at least two years, before undertaking this course.

Pregnancy yoga teacher training course content: What will I learn?

Oxytocin - What this hormone does and how yoga helps in the production of it.

Pranayama - Breathing techniques for relaxation, labour and birth and how these work in the body.

Affirmations and Mantra - How students can set their own affirmations and mantra and use them to calm their minds.

Savasana - How to modify this during pregnancy.

Pelvic Floor - The anatomy of the pelvic floor and how to strengthen it during pregnancy.

The Female Pelvis - The anatomy of the female pelvis and how to keep it stable to prevent back pain.

Pelvic Girdle Pain - How to adapt your class for pelvic girdle pain, what to avoid and how to prevent it.

Optimal Foetus Positioning - How to use yoga to promote optimal foetus position for birth.

Different Trimesters - What is Diastasis Recti, how to check for it, what to avoid, and how to help?

Asana - Which asana groups to avoid and how to modify them in a general class.

Context - Being clear about where the boundaries of your knowledge are, and the power imbalances in your role as ‘teacher’.

Trauma - Being sensitive to trauma in the room.

Birthing Choices -  Pointing women towards further information if they request it, without allowing any personal biases from getting in the way. Supporting all birth choices.

Pregnancy yoga teacher training: Dates and prices

 12th—14th May 2023

The price for everything is £1,300.

A £250 deposit is to be paid immediately, with the remaining balance due by February 2023.

Early bird offer: If you pay your deposit by September 2022, the price for everything is £1,100.

Newcastle Yoga School graduates get a further £50 discount.