Posted on 07/04/2019 by Nisha Srivastava

Anatomy Further Training Workshop - "Hips, hamstrings & Lower limb"

Pilates Manchester , Cadman House Cadman House, 5 Wharf Rd, Sale M33 2AF, UK
£99 Early bird valid Two weeks prior to workshop, £125 there after
Anatomy Further Training Workshop -
Start Date
End Date

Workshop description:

Your hip flexors and hamstring muscles are one of the most important groups of muscles necessary for long term mobility, stability and safety of your lower body. Healthy, conditioned and well maintained hip flexors and hamstrings are necessary for preventing hip, knee and lumbar issues. Acute or chronic pain in these areas can signify a restriction and compensation of movement. If symptoms are found to be structural in nature, then it is important to understand both why and what can be done to correct them. Most low back pain and sciatica problems will benefit from a regular routine of hamstring movement. Restriction in the hamstrings places increased stress on the low back and often aggravates or even causes some of the conditions that lead to low back pain and/or sciatica pain.


To enable students to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to become effective, professional teachers. To provide a basis for the continued study of the anatomy and the moving body, principles and practice of freedom of movement.

Specific Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students should/will be able to:

  1. Teach preparatory movements prior to traditional asana/rehab practice, including joint mobilising and muscle warming techniques.
  2. Progress with integrity into and out of a wide range of movements including yoga/Pilates asana, ranging from simple to complex.
  3. State the difference between prohibitions and precautions, relating this to knowledge of anatomy and physiology as well as to a teaching situation.
  4. Modify movements, understand the reasons for modifications and be able to teach these. This could include resources to make the teaching more effective.
  5. Recognise efficient breathing habits and teach the progression from basic breathing to pranayama using a range of yoga techniques including kriyas, mudras and bandhas.
  6. Design and utilise a scheme of movements to progress clients over a period of weeks.
  7. Assess students’ progress and achievements.
  8. Evaluate their own needs and teaching skills.
  9. Recognise the problems associated with different posture types and ROM in the client
  10. Create a safe working environment for the teaching of a class, which must involve an interchange of information between teacher and student.

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Cadman House, 5 Wharf Rd, Sale M33 2AF, UK

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