Posted on 11/11/2018 by Nisha Srivastava

Anatomy Further Training Workshop - The Art of Flexibility

Pilates Manchester Cadman House, 5 Wharf Rd, Sale M33 2AF, UK
£99 early bird, £125 normal (early bird valid unto one month before the course)
Anatomy Further Training Workshop -  The Art of Flexibility
Start Date
End Date

“What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible brains. What I’m after is to restore each person to their human dignity. ” Moshe Feldenkrais.

A flexible mind is a flexible body, the challenge therefore lies with the coach, trainer, therapist, teacher to make flexibility accessible to everyone. Static stretching actually sedates the nervous system, evidence shows that muscle length actually does not increase. So, if muscle fibre doesn’t get longer as a result of stretching, why does stretching seem to increase people’s flexibility and others not? Flexibility training is perhaps the most undervalued component of conditioning and general well being. While recent and ongoing debate questions its role in injury prevention, we can still gain much from a stretching regime. Why is it some of us have it and some of us don’t ? How do we increase it for those who need it and strengthen for those who don’t. If you are teacher are you really stretching what needs to be stretched and lengthening what needs to be strengthened.

From a volleyball spike to a yoga class, flexibility of the bodys muscles and joints play an integral part in many peoples movements.In general terms, flexibility has been defined as the range of motion about a joint and its surrounding muscles during a passive movement.

“Thank you very much for a great course on Sunday. I thoroughly enjoyed it and lovely being pushed to think for myself and outside the box. I felt like I unfolded my brain inside out!

I wasn’t sure initially how much went in but I’ve already found myself excitedly telling my classes about some of the things we learned so it must have sunk in more than I realised. I’ll make sure to read all those amazing notes you gave us.” Workshop student

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