Posted on 03/09/2022 by Dawn Wright

Inspire and Evolve - A Yoga Teacher's Retreat

Sierra Nevada Mountains, Southern Spain Sierra Nevada Mountains, Southern Spain
Inspire and Evolve - A Yoga Teacher's Retreat
Start Date
End Date

Imagine starting your day with a meditation as the sun rises over the mountain in the valley, followed by a long morning yoga session “just for you” on the roof top shala as eagles fly overhead.

After a delicious breakfast we finish the morning with our business skills sessions. This will give you inspiration and clarity on your business desires, and the tools of how to implement this like a professional, efficient and abundant yoga business owner.

After lunch there is space to digest, snooze, reflect, read, walk or take a dip in the water tank pool nestled in the ruins of an ancient monastery.

Our last session of the day will vary from some  more yin/restorative practice, or a more workshop style  session to explore and inspire your teaching skills and give you confidence in being the authentic teacher you want to be.

Over the course of the week, everyone will also have a 1:2:1 coaching session with me, so you get some really personal and focused time.

The last two days of the retreat have a different vibe and schedule with less sessions. This is such an important time to allow all of the ideas and information from the previous days to settle, to have the space if you wish to start making some action plans, or to just step back and spend 2 days relaxing.

On Thursday morning we have a mountain trail walk, followed by a trip to a local river for swimming and sunbathing. On our return to the retreat centre we will have a yin session before dinner.

On Friday there is free time after our morning yoga session, so plenty of time for relaxing, planning, taking a dip to cool off, or having a treatment. We will get back together before dinner for a closing session, and then celebrate for the rest of the evening!

You will leave feeling refreshed, more knowledgeable, inspired and bursting to come back and put everything into action.

This retreat is eligible as further training/CPD hours (please check with your individual membership body).

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