Senior Yoga Teacher

Senior Yoga Teacher

Specialised Yoga

Claire Smedley

England, GB

Year Graduated:

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When I began yoga, I suffered from constant back pain, quite a bit of immobility and depression. Through the practice of yoga I managed to overcome and integrate these aspects of my life, learning to live with them, adapt to them and even at times to eradicate them - yoga has been truly transformational on many levels.


I had no idea during my first yoga class that it would lead to more than a decade of continued, avid research and enquiry into human biomechanics, the energy body, the mind-body connection, fascial anatomy, Pilates and other structure-enhancing movement, yoga philosophy - both ancient and contemporary, and an exploration of myth as a way of accessing the deeply held desires of the heart.


I have spent the past 15 years exploring what it means to be human, what it means to live a joy-filled life and how we tap into our deepest sense of purpose through both personal practices which deepen our inner connection and shared practices which empower our relationship with the outer world. This is in addition to raising my son, opening a yoga studio, doing my taxes etc. – for me yoga and general life have a beautiful way of weaving together.


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