
Katie’s keen interest in the interconnection of psychology, neuroscience, quantum physics and spirituality to heal the body and know the mind make her classes unique, and focused on all who attend.
She has been practising various types of yoga for over two decades and is a  certified to teach by Jane Piddington after completing her extensive TTC. She has also practised with world renounded teachers to allow her practice on the mat to effect every moment of daily life. 
Katie is an avid cold-water swimmer, using the training and breathing method of Wim Hof to embark on open water swims all year round.
Her meditation with S.N. Goenka and his teachers on extended silent retreats worldwide deepened her understanding of innate emotional intelligence and how to relieve stress patterns while consistently cultivating calm.
As an appointed S.N.Goenka meditation teacher to eight to eighteen-year-old pupils, she started to appreciate further the power of a concentrated mind and loving-kindness practices.
Katie dedicated her work since 2008 to people with experiences of mental health distress for the NHS, Mind and the private sector. 
Today, she continues her degree in Psychology, intending to complete a postgraduate study with Prof. Gilbert in the Compassion Focused Therapy. Daily she appreciates the joy of long swims and heartfelt meditations with her husband and other ethnusiasts in Oxfordshire and welcomes new clients for 1-1 yoga mentoring to tranform their lifes.


Emotional self-regulation

Transformation of stress into insight

Emotional intelligence

Built capacity for self-awareness

Breathing techniques

Compassion-based meditation

Effective decision making


Certified HeartMath coach 

Yoga mentoring

Certified Positive Neuroplasticity (Dr Hanson) mentoring

Compassionate mind (Dr Gilbert) mentoring

Registered swimming teacher


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