Yoga Teacher

Yoga Teacher

Vinyasa Yoga

Sheetal Kachhela

England, GB

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I have always been quite an active person; be it through the gym, running, or through the constant movement required from being a Mummy to two lively beings and a primary school teacher! But my first encounter of anything yoga related was through a Body Balance class, where movement was twinned with beautiful music, allowing an escapism from the busyness of life, allowing me to focus on the here and now. It was then I started a personal practice of Yoga about some 20 years ago! 

It was not until about 7 years ago, when I encountered some dark moments in my life, that Yoga became more of a daily habit than an occasional pass time.  It allowed me to forget about the 'ifs' and 'buts' of life, and instead gave me mental clarity. Yoga helped to clear the fog that was looming and provided me with a real sense of self; self belief, self confidence, self esteem. My life started changing for the better and I knew then that this was something so powerful, that I wanted to share it with others. From here, I trained with Rainbow Kids Yoga on a three day intensive course in 2007, and started teaching children's yoga at my school.  This was amazing and so beneficial for the kids, but there was so much more that I could give. I decided to train further with Frame Academy, London, where I completed my 200 hour adult teacher training with Michael James Wong, Emily Clare Hill and my mentor, Emily Mergaert.  

My classes are an intuitive and peaceful vinyasa flow, steeped with focus on alignment and breath - all with beautiful music of course! I believe that you are never too old to start yoga, nor are you ever too young, so come and join me on the mat, I promise a whole lot of love, compassion and a safe environment, for you to just be. 



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