Senior Yoga Teacher

Senior Yoga Teacher

Hatha Yoga

Sandra Boucher

England, GB

Year Graduated:

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I walked into my first yoga class in 1993, after my curiosity was piqued by an osteopath treating me for a sports injury. I was fit, but I can still remember the shock of realising just how stiff and locked-up my body had become. However, a seed had been sewn, and over the coming years a love of the practice would grow and blossom.

In my early days as a yoga student I was fortunate to be introduced to Narayani and Giris Rabinovitch. Gracious and inspiring Sivananda teachers with big hearts and who to this day, still hold very special places within my heart.  

In 2004, I was persuaded to attend my first immersive Teaching Intensive at The Sivananda Yoga Ashram in Val Morin, Canada, where I gained a 200 level Accreditation.

Shortly afterwards I began to practice under the guidance of Hamish Hendry of Ashtanga Yoga London. In 2005 I completed Richard Freeman's 200 level Ashtanga Yoga Intensive in Boulder, Colorado.

I have been both a student and a teacher ever since and have been very fortunate to have worked with many prominent and diverse teachers. Taking workshops with Sri K Pattabhi Jois, Dona Holleman - Postural Yoga, was simply unforgetful and left a deep and profound impression on me. Sharon Gannon and David Life (Jivamukti), David Swenson, Mathew Sweeney, Alaric Newcombe (Iyengar) Tias Little and Chuck Miller. I have also been inspired and enjoyed many hours of tuition from Edward Clarke of Tripsichore Yoga Theatre.

My chosen meditation style follows G.N Goenke (Vipassana style). I completed a ten day silent meditation (no eye contact) retreat in Herefordshire in 2005.

The practice of yoga has taught me many things, one profound lesson being, the power and strength in the ability to yield. I practice to see and feel my inherent `Self'. What you learn on your mat provides a beacon of light in times of darkness.


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