Posted on 21/04/2018 by Jambo Truong

A weekend of exploring the functional anatomy of yoga with Jambo Truong

CAMYOGA 121 Chesterton Rd, Cambridge CB4 3AT, UK
£210 / **Early bird £185 if booked before 28th Feb**
A weekend of exploring the functional anatomy of yoga with Jambo Truong
Start Date
21/04/2018 10:00 am
End Date
22/04/2018 5:00 pm

Suitable for practitioners of all styles and for teachers, advanced practitioners & regular students alike looking to deepen their knowledge of the anatomy of yoga in their practice.

Jambo’s workshops are fun filled and accessible to people of all levels and abilities.

Saturday - Functional Anatomy of Backbends
10am - 1pm Meditation Ceremony & Forrest Yoga Practice
2.30 - 5pm Practitioners Clinic: Backbends

Sunday - Functional Anatomy of Inversions
10am - 1pm Meditation Ceremony & Forrest Yoga Practice
2.30 - 5pm Practitioners Clinic: Hips

These workshops start each day with sequencing that enables practitioners to feel their own structures as we move through ranges of motion that enable us to understand and appreciate the ranges of mobility in those areas. Each morning class is deliberately mixed level so that trainees can experience the various degrees of mobility that target the same areas of this back and hips.

Each afternoon is a sharing of the fundamentals of good biomechanics for good back bends and hip work. The work is in mobility and conditioning as both have a relationship in well being and maximised health of the back and hips.

Sufficient evidence shows us that static stretching or only strength training are not enough to maintain a balanced state of well being. Jambo’s practice is both energising and relaxing as he guides us in how to activate kinetic chains and relax our core tension.

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121 Chesterton Rd, Cambridge CB4 3AT, UK

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