Posted on 23/04/2019 by Jambo Truong

Exploring Vleeming’s Subsystems with Dr. Kathy Dooley

Balance Physio 113 Gauden Rd, London SW4, UK
Exploring Vleeming’s Subsystems with Dr. Kathy Dooley
Start Date
23/04/2019 9:00 am
End Date
24/04/2019 5:00 pm

On April 23rd and 24th, Sue McCall from Backs Etc and Jambo Truong are very excited to be bringing Dr. Kathy Dooley to London for a special 2-day seminar on her inimitable anatomy-based approach to Vleeming’s sling sub-systems. The course is intended to be very practical, showing the anatomical details and connections of the slings, giving both treatment and exercise based corrections. It is also a great companion to the Immaculate Dissection courses that will be taking place in London directly after this.

The sub-systems involve developmental and planar prioritization of human movement, mostly in the relationship to gait and force closure of the sacroiliac joint. In order of priority we will be covering:

1. Deep Longitudinal Subsystem: the ability to stabilize in the sagittal plane over one leg

– Example: pushing off one leg or swinging one leg in gait

2. Lateral subsystem: the ability to stabilize one side pelvis from above with the other from below in the frontal plane

– Example: midstance in gait, standing on one leg, kneeling on one leg

3. Posterior oblique sling: the ability to connect the posterior muscles of lumbar stabilization from thoracolumbar fascia to the most powerful muscle of opposite extremities moving in the transverse plane

– Example: extending one leg while extending the opposite arm, such as in gait crawling, heel off, sprinting, etc

4. Anterior oblique sling: the ability to connect

Anterior Muscles across the body to enhance transverse plane movement from upper extremity to the opposite side lower extremity

– Example: crawling, gait initiation, lunging with reaching across the body

This course is suitable for Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Massage therapists, Complementary Therapists, Personal Trainers, Pilates Instructors and Yoga Teachers.  You do not need to be a practitioner to enroll, but a passionate interest in human movement is essential!

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113 Gauden Rd, London SW4, UK

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