Posted on 27/02/2022 by Nikki Slade

Journey to the heart: kirtan and sound bath

The Life Centre The Life Centre. 15 Edge St, London W8 7PN
Journey to the heart: kirtan and sound bath
Start Date
27/02/2022 2:30 pm
End Date
27/02/2022 4:30 pm

We are delighted to present you the collaboration of Nikki Slade, the kirtan leader and Anne Malone, the sound master to offering together a nourishing journey connecting to the heart through voice and sound.

Nikki will lead us in the popular and uplifting practice of kirtan or (chanting from the heart). Kirtan means to come together in praise, to sing the name of the higher power of our own understanding. Chanting refreshes the spirit, cleanses the mind and uplifts the soul. As we open our hearts, we experience our natural state which is blissful and ecstatic. When we chant regularly, we experience greater energy and clarity of mind which then permeates into all our daily affairs. You don’t have to be a singer to chant and to enjoy this session.

Kirtan is in essence a joyful meditation where we chant together focusing on mantras in sanskrit which are melodiously accompanied with harmonium and drum.

After kirtan you will be lead into the relaxation and bathe in the loving & healing vibrations of OasisSoundBath as Anne takes you on a journey into the heart of Sacred Sound. Sound Bathing is a simple yet profound way to connect with the core of our being and tune our body at a cellular level through the gentleness of its resonance.

Connecting to the natural rhythm and flow of our breath, we’ll begin our journey into deep relaxation within the embrace of Goddess Singing Bowls, Chinese Wind Gong, Irish Bodhran Drum, Hang, Rainstick, Sansula, Koshi Bells and magical Vocal Toning culminating in a gentle guided meditation as we find our voice in the hummmmmm of our collective chanting Om gently flowing into the magic of Mantra and Song singing our Hearts into the depths of One Voice, One Breath, One Love celebrating the joy of singing together and sharing loving vibes.

As you relax and bathe in the healing vibration, feel your body resonate within these pure tones as you begin to feel refreshed and retuned. The only side effect is happiness and harmony!!! You don’t have to be a singer to enjoy the kirtan practice. The only thing you need to bring is your heart!

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