Posted on 22/02/2020 by Federica Panichi

Yin and Yang - a yoga workshop with Freddie

Yoga Junction Weston Park, London N8 9PR, UK
Yin and Yang - a yoga workshop with Freddie
Start Date
22/02/2020 3:30 pm
End Date
22/02/2020 6:00 pm

There many types of yoga nowadays. Most could be described as either having a yin or yang quality, according to which energy they cultivate. A yang practice consists of steady, unrushed, warming movements, while a yin practice consists of longer-held, restorative, cooling poses. Ideally, we should try to incorporate both practices into regular weekly classes. Often though, due to time restraints, one is prevailing.
A longer workshop can integrate the reinvigorating effect of yang and the grounding effect of yin into a balanced whole practice, which helps us maintain optimal health and wellbeing. Invest in an afternoon with yourself and experience how a comprehensive yang into yin journey through movement, poses, mobility and stability, breath-work, mindfulness and relaxation can allow you to restore a sense of balance, and feel nourished, calm, at peace.

Suitable for students with some experience of Hatha yoga and/or dynamic styles of yoga.

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Weston Park, London N8 9PR, UK

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