Senior Yoga Teacher

Senior Yoga Teacher

Meditation & Mindfulness


Marco Peralta

Lisboa, PT

Year Graduated:

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He has devoted himself to the study, teaching and practice of Yoga since 1996 and started teaching about 25 years ago. He trained in Portugal, Brazil, England, Greece and India in various styles of Yoga. 

It states that "Yoga for me is the perception of reality as it is, not as I liked or imagined it should be, but as it really is." It is to realize that I am already the realization that I want to realize. It is me without "my history" or beyond history.It is to wake up from the dream of separation and see that there is no separation between what I am and what seems to surround me ... "


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25 Reviews

  1. Vanessa Vieira

    teacher review

    Tive a oportunidade e a sorte de poder aprofundar o meu conhecimento e prática de Yoga com o Marco, a quem devo muita da minha aprendizagem como aluna e professora. Professor amoroso, genuíno e generoso no ensinamento que transmite, criando sempre espaço para a liberdade individual, questionamento e auto-exploração de cada aluno. Tem um conhecimento e prática riquíssimas sobre toda a filosofia clássica, história e verdadeiros fundamentos do Yoga e uma forma muito genuina, interessante e original de as transmitir. Grande ser humano e querido professor ❤️. Recomendo vivamente
  2. Pedro Barreiros

    teacher review

    Marco is an extraordinary teacher, an excellent human being, with a lot of love, who knows how to transmit to his students in a sublime way, all his knowledge obtained by his constant search for knowledge, also joining the contact with most of the great masters from our century, make a meeting, a class, a training, a workshop, a trip, with Marco, it will be something you will never forget ... Amor Amor Amor
  3. 5

    teacher review

    Não poderia ter escolhido melhor professor e melhor curso de instrutora de yoga 200 horas. O Marco tem um dom inato para o ensino do Yoga. Contagia-nos com a sua paixão e inspiração. Os seus cursos assim como as suas aulas inspiram, esclarecem, enriquecem. É um ser humano genuíno e empático que nos faz sentir a todos, e de forma indiferenciada, como parte integrante desta grande família humana. Para sempre grata por se ter cruzado no meu caminho.
  4. Sandra Ramos

    teacher review

    Unforgettable 200 Hr. Yoga Teacher with Marco ans his team! I completed my 200hr YTT with him on 2017 year and it was such a wonderfully fulfilling experience. It completely reshaped my practice, allowed me to better understand my mental, physical and spiritual limitations and how to work with them, not against them. I was exposed to various aspects of yoga, not just the physical practice, and learned how to apply the complete practice to various aspects of life. Marco is an experienced, thoughtful and patient teacher, comited with his students. I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to complete this training with this beautiful soul.. If you're looking to become a yoga instructor, or just want to deepen your understanding of the yoga practice, choose Marco. Love you Marco, Sandra
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