Posted on 24/02/2020 by Carolyn Cowan

Kundalini and The New Spirituality

Kundalini and The New Spirituality

Classes, Kundalini classes work. Twenty years in, I still find myself exploring, expanding, understanding and seeing more. It is a profound and exquisite experience in altered realities.

I am an unabashed feminist, I can be an angry feminist. I am also a therapist, I work mainly with abuse, rape, unhappiness, addiction and the pains of unrequited love. I see and hear so much pain and sometimes it is palpable, in the room and I can be brought to tears. I feel this is important, that I can feel this, and then when I dress up in white and sit to teach a class, my teaching is informed by all that know I see in disclosure by others. It informs how I teach, how I translate the Kundalini experience to others.

The Kundalini is not exclusive to Kundalini Yoga. We name it and unashamedly look to open, raise, expand and know the Divine within. The lecture before the class sets the intention for the kriya and the meditation and we allow the power of intention to magnify the experience by 10.

Add the combination of posture and pranayama and yet another amplification of altered reality occurs. Our nervous system and our hormones alter to meet the challenge set by the intention. There are some who say we change our DNA. others who say that a year of Kundalini practice is equivalent to 11 years of therapy.

The kundalini is the most divine aspect of ourselves. The spinal column is said to be the Divine in the body. In this way, science and technology meet, the marriage brings forth in each of us our most exquisite aspect, the Kundalini. Our human experience has hidden this Divine within from us because we loaded our painful histories inside us, weighing our perfection down with the pain of our sufferings, attachments and traumas, until we begin to play with the Kundalini, and discover that we can completely change how we feel and how we experience our version of reality.

For many, a Kundalini Yoga class can be the first time they meet an altered experience of themselves, because that is what Kundalini brings up. The depth of experience is for you to choose. It can be a fleeting touch, you can walk away and perhaps never return, branding the experience in a number of ways: a cult, weird, too much, or nothing.

Or the Mantle of Grace descends and you realise that you have taken a step through a door and nothing will ever be the same again.

Out if the blue, in a moment, you have awakened, unleashed, allowed, released, opened up to, discovered, uncovered, found…. Something that resonates so strongly, that you are destined to follow through. To keep showing up and to begin, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, to move very differently with in your reality. To recognise that there is so much more depth to the human experience and you are no longer flotsam and jetsom being pushed or knocked from one experience to the next. The understanding comes that you have far more to say and do about your version of your reality than this world ever allowed you to know before.

I keep showing up, have a daily practice, take on meditations for 1000 days at a time because my life is transformed. My reality is enhanced and magnified by my practice and it is exponential.

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