Posted on 06/04/2021 by Emma Toms

Kundalini Yoga Virtual Class

Zoom Online Yorkhill St, Glasgow G3 8SB, UK
Class Length: 90 minutes
Cost to Attend: £10
Level: Beginner
Kundalini Yoga
Next Start Date
recurs every week
Start Time
6:30 PM
Recurring End Date
End Time
8:00 PM
A blend of Bhakti yoga (the yogic practice of devotion and chanting), Raja yoga (the practice of mediation/mental and physical control) and Shakti yoga, (for the expression of power and energy).

The Sanskrit word kundal means “circular,” and it can be a noun for a coiled snake.This concept was adopted as KundalinÄ« into Hatha yoga in the 15th century and, by the 16th century, was used in the Yoga Upanishads.

The practice of Kundalini yoga is said to arouse the sleeping Kundalini Shakti from its coiled base through the six chakras that reside along the spine, and through the seventh chakra, or crown. Chakras are wheels, or hubs of energy, along which energy or prana, travels like a superhighway to distribute energy throughout the body.

Kundalini yoga is a synthesis of many traditions, the kriyas and meditations are designed to raise complete body awareness to prepare the body, nervous system, and mind to handle the energy of Kundalini energy rising. Many of the physical postures are designed to activate the navel, spine, and focal points of pressure on meridians (energy points). Through breath work (pranayama) and the application of yogic locks of energy (bandhas), the release, direction, and control of the flow of Kundalini energy is achieved.

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Yorkhill St, Glasgow G3 8SB, UK

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