100hours Advancement Course

£550 (or if you're taking this as part of the 300hr training £500 for this course and then elected modules to be added)
100hours Advancement Course
Start Date
End Date

Lead Teacher

Yogic philosophy & theory with practice – includes Tantra Module & 15hrs advanced anatomy with David Keil. (This course is compulsory if taking the 300hr course!)

On completion, trainees will:

  • become more knowledgeable in various styles & lineages of yoga
  • learn to practice and teach more advanced asanas, pranayama, meditation, bandhas, mudras, mantras and kriyas
  • go deeper with the principles of sequencing & adjusting and will learn about the biodynamics and energetics of asana
  • become more knowledgeable about the roots and philosophy of yoga, including the Sutras of Patanjali, the Bhagavad Gita, and will study the concepts & principles of Tantra and practice the tantric meditations & practices
  • become knowledgeable with working with students with various issues and problems
  • become more knowledgeable in Anatomy & Physiology, and have a better understanding of how to help their students build the patterns they need to evolve their postures.
  • learn to embody yoga and its teachings, and have an understand of dharma and the subconscious mind

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