Posted on 14/07/2019 in Specialist Courses by Sally Parkes Yoga

85 hrs Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training (Residential Course) - August 2019

Brooklands Barn Brooklands Barn, Priory Lane, Arundel, West Sussex BN18 0BG
*Early Bird price £1247 – usual price £1347. Please note our Early Bird discount applies if booked 3 months before the first day of training. The price is for twin share accommodation. Single rooms are occasionally available upon request (for an additional fee) – please email for details. Price includes three homemade vegetarian meals a day, accommodation, course contents, course manual, certificate and ongoing support via a secret Facebook group. There are no other hidden costs. A £300 deposit is required to secure your place.
85 hrs Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training (Residential Course) - August 2019
Start Date
14/07/2019 4:30 pm
End Date
19/07/2019 1:00 pm

85 hrs Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training (residential course) with Sally Parkes (BSc).

This course is fully certified by FEDANT, Yoga Alliance Professionals UK, The Yoga Alliance US, and is taught by highly qualified and experienced tutors. 

Venue:  Brooklands Barn, Priory Lane, Arundel, West Sussex BN18 0BG.

We are pleased to announce a brand new residential venue for our Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training course, at the wonderful Brooklands Barn in Arundel, West Sussex.

This 85 hour residential Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training course, certified by The Yoga Alliance (US), Yoga Alliance Professionals (UK) and The Federation of Antenatal Educators, covers relevant prenatal and post-natal aspects of teaching yoga, including Pregnancy, Post-natal, and Mother and Baby Yoga.

With our expert teaching and tutoring, we aim to support you in developing those skills which enable you to offer the expertise, knowledge and confidence needed when delivering safe, effective and uplifting classes and one to ones, to women who are on their momentous physical and emotional journey into motherhood.

The course focuses on the teachings of yoga with an emphasis on the major role that  Shakti (female) energy plays throughout the incredible experience of pregnancy (including conception, pregnancy and birth), as well as the spiritual aspects of this important time in a female’s life.

You’ll develop your knowledge and teaching skills through a combination of women’s anatomy and physiology, asana, pranayama, mudra and essential relaxation techniques. Other aspects of yoga, including methods developed from Pilates and exercise for post-natal rehabilitation and recovery, are also learned during the postnatal yoga module, with plenty of practice and discussion before moving on to the final module; Mother and Baby Yoga.

The course ends with an insightful talk on what’s involved in setting up your own business running Pregnancy Yoga, Post-natal Yoga and Mother and Baby Yoga classes. This includes tips on using social media, how to hire the right space and how to organise classes, all within the context of keeping client referrals coming and your yoga sessions successful.

Topics covered:

  • Yoga related movements for all the trimesters to stretch and strengthen the physical body and help alleviate common conditions of pregnancy.
  • Appropriate relaxation, pranayama, visualizations and meditation for the prenatal mother.
  • How simple breath work and deep relaxation can help rejuvenate a women mentally, physically and emotionally.
  • How pregnancy can negatively affect postural alignment, and how with the correct programming of yoga asana, we can in part counteract these changes.
  • Effective use of yoga props to help the mother feel more supported.
  • The difference between sequencing yoga asana for a mother in her second and in her third trimester.
  • Moola Bandha – the importance of a healthy pelvic floor and how the alignment of the pelvis affects its’ engagement.
  • Energetics – An overview of the Chakra System and how the pelvic floor relates to and affects the root chakra.
  • A discussion on the effects that pregnancy has on the direction of prana, and how this relates to birth.
  • Hypnobirthing for pregnancy and birth (with @annabrookyoga)


Birth and Birth Preparation Module

  • Positions for optimal foetal positioning and how the position of the baby may affect labour.
  • Working with an exercise ball and chair for the late stages of pregnancy, in preparation for birth.
  • The importance of the Nervous System, and the role the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems play during birth.
  • Birth and labour – description of a `normal’ or ‘physiological’ birth.
  • The spiritual aspects of birth.
  • Meditations and birth affirmations for the birthing mother, that can be used no matter how her birth unfolds.


Postnatal and Mother and Baby Yoga Module

  • Yoga and Pilates related movements for the post-natal period to stretch and strengthen the physical body and help alleviate common conditions of a post-natal woman including postural changes such as upper and low crossed syndrome.
  • How simple breath work and deep relaxation can help heal a women mentally, physically and emotionally.
  • Post-natal recovery yoga for mother who has experienced a medicalised birth ie: medical induction, Syntocin drip, Epidural, Ventouse, forceps, Caesarean Section, and/or birth trauma.
  • Mother and baby yoga – How to plan and facilitate a class safely and effectively so it is all inclusive and involves both the mother and baby.


Getting started: Starting up your career as a pre and postnatal yoga teacher

  • We will discuss and share ideas of how to start your business as a pre and post-natal yoga teacher. We will cover how to register as a pregnancy yoga teacher, writing a health questionnaire, how to take payments for classes, legal data collection and protection procedures etc.

This course teaches you to deliver classes and one to one lessons that are:

  • Safe, effective and functional
  • An even blend of the yoga system
  • Empowering
  • Uplifting
  • Informative
  • Non-judgemental
  • Supportive

You will finish the training course with the skills to:

  • You will be able to teach a Pregnancy Yoga class, a Post-Natal Yoga class and a Mother and Baby Yoga Class.
  • Teach a well-rounded yoga class that honours a woman’s mind and body at this special and sacred time.
  • Adapt your general classes for any pregnant ladies who also attend.
  • Integrate yoga props and small equipment into your classes and one to ones to make them more bespoke.
  • Adapt the class for those with injuries and/or common ailments such as lower back pain, pelvic girdle pain, low/high blood pressure and fatigue.
  • Have a clear understanding of why it is important to incorporate all elements of yoga into a class.
  • Have the knowledge of what actually happens to the body during pregnancy and birth.

As part of the 85 hour course program, this course requires you to do at least 22 hours of private study/readings as per the Yoga Alliance guide lines

Homework, Assignments and Exam:

Students will be asked to write a short pregnancy yoga sequence after the third day to teach towards the end of the course to the rest of the group. This will constitute the practical exam for the course. There are also several assignments to complete including one class observations (ideally prior to the course), teaching practice and a case study. You will also be expected to thoroughly read the course training manual. Reading list to purchase prior to and during the training:

  • ‘Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful’ by Gurmukh
  • Course training manual

Yoga Alliance, Yoga Alliance Professionals and FEDANT Certification:

All graduates will receive a certificate upon completion. This training is 85 hours (including private study time) to meet with the standards of The Yoga Alliance Professionals (UK) and The Yoga Alliance US, and is also certified by the Federation of Antenatal Educators (FEDANT). The course is open to anyone with a keen interest in ante-natal education and a passion for sharing their knowledge after the course with mums-to be, including yoga teachers, doula’s and midwives. You will be able to register with FEDANT’s register of Ante-Natal Educators, and if you have a 200hr Yoga Teacher Training certification already, you will be permitted to register with The Yoga Alliance Professionals (UK) or The Yoga Alliance US as a Pregnancy Yoga Teacher.


Sally has been teaching health and fitness since 1998 and has studied and taught pregnancy and post-natal yoga extensively since 2007. Her style of yoga is from the lineage taught by guru Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, a leader in the field of women’s well-being, whilst also weaving an element of exercise physiology, Pilates and movement methods gained from her studies in exercise rehabilitation in to her teaching.

Now a mother of two lively little girls, Sally continues her studies and has trained as a doula with Michel O’Dent and with Jennifer Walker of Spinning Babies, and has penned many articles for major publications. Also the author of The Students Guide to Yoga Anatomy and teacher on, Sally is now a certified Experienced and Senior Yoga Teacher and teacher trainer, who is known for her humour, warmth and all inclusive presentations. She now specialises in delivering solid and thorough pregnancy and post-natal yoga teacher training’s in the UK and internationally.


About your stay with us at Brooklands Barn

Brooklands Barn is just 1 hour 15 minutes by direct train from London and is a stunning nineteenth century converted barn in a rural setting. It is just under one mile from the historic centre of Arundel, within walking distance along the River Arun, and has breathtaking views of the Sussex downs. During your teacher training course with Sally you will be able to enjoy all the benefits of this venue including a newly built yoga studio, a heated indoor pool and sauna. Most rooms are en suite and are allocated on a first come first served basis. Three healthy and fresh vegetarian meals a day are also provided for the group to enjoy together.

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